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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798218254834 B0CMPHMPLS
  • 303 pages
  • $16.99
J.Q. Gagliastro
The Diary of a Sugarbaby

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

In J. Q. Gagliastro’s dystopian future, the aging patriarchy and rising hate crimes have led to a mass genocide of queer Americans. Oppression has killed what was left of the United and sired what has now become the Divided, a world where human trafficking is legal, the youth are sexualized, and heteronormativity is enforced. Dime—a former sugarbaby—chronicles his experiences as the nation around him embraces gerontocracy, and he himself becomes the property of an Elder. Deprived of his freedoms, his family, and even music, Dime clings to his memories all the while grappling with the concepts of family, home, and depth in love. A scathing satire, a cautionary tale, and a reflection of its time!

Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The Diary of a Sugarbaby is a dark satirical work of sci-fi that imagines a future in which queer Americans have been erased and heteronormativity is the law. As intriguing as the social commentary is throughout the novel, the writing sometimes defers to a repeat of these discussions rather than focusing on dynamic storytelling.

Prose: Gagliastro writes in clear-headed, hard-hitting prose, the narrator describing the experience of being a 'sugarbaby' in unflinching candor. Though the work is explicit in its approach, there is an element of dry and sarcastic wit that carries this story forward and breaks up the horror. 

Originality: Right from the start, this story sets itself apart from other dystopian novels with the way that it approaches gender inequality and the dangers of clinging to an outdated, violent sociopolitical system. Gagliastro managed to take many modern fears and roll them together with more positive ideals, creating a complex web of realistic frankness, pessimistic anticipation, and optimistic determination.

Character/Execution: Gagliastro leads with the chilling circumstances and a world in which individuality and authentic expression is oppressed. As a result, the characters aren't given the full opportunity to emerge. Still, readers will feel the full impact of the chilling dystopian landscape and the impact it has on common humanity. 

Date Submitted: May 03, 2024


"The Diary of a Sugarbaby is The Handmaid's Tale on steroids. Captivating and graphic." ~ Manhattan Book Review

"Tragic and heartbreaking, The Diary of a Sugarbaby is a coming-of-age story unlike any other... Unflinchingly raw." ~ Readers' Favorite (five-starred review)

"Razor sharp, timely, and written with a great deal of thought... A frightening novel about an unthinkable future!" ~ Kirkus Reviews

"Gruesome... Employing short chapters and much suspense, the book powerfully critiques homophobia, misogyny, and sex-shaming." ~ BlueInk Review

"A poignant epistolary novel... a deeply touching and thought-provoking reading experience." ~ IndieReader

"[An] incisive satire of homophobia... This provocative novel is not for the faint of heart." ~ Publishers Weekly

The New York Review of Books

The Diary of a Sugarbaby by bestselling author J.Q. Gagliastro gets a shoutout in the New York Review of Books!

Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798218254834 B0CMPHMPLS
  • 303 pages
  • $16.99
