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R. J. Mohr
The Divide of Nations
R. J. Mohr, author
While the countries of northern Europe are among the most economically advanced in the world, nations in sub-Saharan Africa seem unable to develop. While residents of New Zealand are able to live relatively prosperous lives, people in countries such as Haiti constantly suffer from widespread poverty and persistent underdevelopment. But what is the reason for these profound inequalities that seem to exist between different countries? Why haven’t all nations managed to develop more evenly? And what does it take for the populations of two nations located in different geographic regions to achieve an equal level of economic development? This book provides answers to these questions by presenting an in-depth analysis that uses temperature as a fundamental measure to explain the reasons for the existing wealth gap between rich and poor nations. It also provides a sound economic framework that can serve as a basis for implementing policies to improve living standards in developing countries.
