The Do-Over Day
Julia Inserro, author
Some days everything just seems to go wrong:
•\tyour little sister presses the elevator button first
•\tyou're not allowed to wear your mermaid costume to the dentist
•\tyou can't wear your snorkel in the bathtub
But how great would it be if we could learn how to have a do-over day? It could give us a chance to look at a situation differently. Even parents can have do-over days, too.
Learning how to control or manage our emotions is not easy for adults, so how can we demand it of our kids? Teaching them that our thoughts lead to feelings which lead to actions, can be a great place to start.
The Do-Over Day can teach all of us how to handle the occasional worst day, or negative thought or feeling of frustration. It even comes with fun practice cards, so you can begin to have better do-over days right away!