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Charles Jett
The Doom Loop
The Doom Loop is an elegant, intuitive, and simple career management tool designed to help you make smart, tactical career decisions and to help see you through the seven common crises that nearly everyone faces in their career. It can also help employers take appropriate actions to improve the productivity of their employees by understanding the nature and causes of boredom. Created by the author in the 1970s, the Doom Loop is a 2x2 matrix to help you anticipate and solve problems related to boredom and frustration on the job. This deceptively simple tool can help you avoid making ill-advised job change decisions, and it can quickly give you confidence that a new opportunity will be the right one for you. You don’t need to attend seminars or workshops to use this career management tool. The Doom Loop is straightforward and easy to use, yet powerful in its guidance—and it might just become the best friend you ever had on the job!
Comments from readers

I was first introduced to Charlie Jett’s Doom Loop when I was

having my own career crisis in my early thirties. The model

made an instant and lasting impression on me for its simplicity,

accuracy and applicability. Since my first exposure to the

Doom Loop, I have shared it with hundreds of leaders and senior

executives through my work and am invariably met with

the same instant recognition and understanding. I’m a huge fan

of simple models that work and the Doom Loop is at the top

of my list. It is useful, memorable and a phenomenal tool to

quickly understand how to increase engagement, job satisfaction

and productivity. - Glaine Roberts-McCabe, President; The

Executive Roundtable Inc.; Toronto, Canada


I have been using the “Doom Loop” ever since Charlie Jett introduced

me to this elegant career management tool over 30 years

ago to coach students, MBA graduates, Consulting Partners

and countless others about career opportunities. It works! My

approach is that most high potential employees and executives

need a “new mountain to climb” every 2-3 years within

the same company, outside the company, or even a different

country and culture. The career capstone approach works and

helps executives sharpen their skill sets in preparation for broader

responsibilities. This approach, along with the guidance of

the Doom Loop, is an excellent example of how to grow and

reach a capstone of a true “global executive.” Congratulations,

Charlie, on an excellent book. It’s a “must read.” - Roger Nelson,

Retired Deputy Chairman, Ernst & Young LLC


I was first introduced to Charlie Jett’s Doom Loop in the 1980s

and was immediately struck by how simple yet profound it was.

Over the past 20 years, I have made hundreds of presentations

on careers and have always presented the Doom Loop concept.

And, no surprise to me, it is one of the most remembered discussion

points by audience members. People will contact me years

later and say “I need your help…I remember you talking about

a Doom Loop and I’m in it! HELP!” - John R. Bertrand, Ph.D.;

Marshall School of Business; University of Southern California

