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The Duke of Devastation
Elsie Hulbourne is satisfied with her life as the vicarage spinster, keeping house for her father and seeing to the needs of his parishioners. The only place she has ever found romance is between the covers of a novel and she likes it that way. Edmund Thatchley, Duke of Castlemore, has earned his reputation as The Duke of Devastation by pursuing a relentless campaign of revenge against those who wronged him and his family. Merciless determination to achieve his goals has brought him wealth and power but it just might cause him to lose what he desires most of all. When Elsie's and Castlemore's paths intersect, a blossoming attraction offers hope for a better life until revenge and betrayal threaten to destroy them both. Can they overcome the destruction wrought by resentment to find forgiveness, peace, and most of all, love?
