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The Enchanted Rope
Young Jack’s mother has become an angel. He misses her singing him to sleep, misses her reading him fairy tales and misses her love of wildflowers and dragons. Under the Alaskan sun, in a field of dreams, Jack gathers up one hundred wildflowers and starts to weave an enchanted rope so he can climb up to the world of angels his mother is in. A school of salmon, a clan of wolves, a brown bear, and one bold eagle watch him as he weaves and weaves and finally sends the magic rope far up into the air. When he returns from his adventure, he sees one red flower is missing from the rope. Jack smiles. He knows what that means. In this magical and touching tale for children ages 6 to 8, David Bernstein explores the loss of a loved one by a young boy and offers an imaginative and comforting view of the possibility of reconnecting with someone who may have gone from earth, but who is not, in truth, gone.
