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The Epic of One: Act Two
The second act of The Epic of One begins with a bang, literally, as the Demon King and his allies find themselves under attack by a power they are far ill-equipped to handle. After a mission gone wrong, Ashoka finds himself alone, stranded in unknown and unchartered territory, once again questioning the truths he so confidently put his faith in. Planet Sanguine has been untouched by human hands for millennia, and with The Demon King no longer Earth-bound, his friends and foes will have to struggle and flail to ensure that whatever control Ashoka held over their future results in their own personal success. Lands of Titanic Engineering, lawless plains drenched in blood and rot, mountain ranges torn apart by divine winds, and northern seas housing pirating vampires, demons, and Gods both old and new relentlessly stretch and strain a world too young to avoid the pitfalls of human history. The lone constant in this ripe red world of chaos and uncertainty? Ashoka and his Epic, where the only ideas that matter are the ones that can handle a slow burn.
