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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9798861689618
  • 390 pages
  • $18.99
Joni Parker
The Epsilon Account: Book One of the Golden Harvest Series
Joni Parker, author
Thousands of years ago, Eledon was created for the Elves by their Mentors when they were forced to leave Earth. At least, that's how the legend goes. In return, the Elves must pay them a tribute in gold, known as the Golden Harvest, every four thousand years. The Elfin Council of Elders appoints Lady Alexin (Alex) Dumwalt, the Keeper of the Keys, to manage the next payment, due 244 years from now. That is, until the Mentors show up early.
In this second-world fantasy of elves, myth, debts, and golden starships, Lady Alexin Dumwalt, recently released from exile, returns from our mortal world circa 2034, where she holds the glamorous job as a runway model, to the elfin world of Eledon to fulfill her duty as Keeper of the Keys. As Keeper, Alex serves as a sort-of fixer to the Elfin Council of Elders, as protector of the 13 Keys of Nimbus, and as the bearer of responsibility for Eledon's gold inventory, which is given as tribute every four millennia to the Mentors, the price of living in Eledon. But two centuries before the third payment is due, the Mentors show up, demanding payment over 200 years early, Alex and her family must uncover the truth behind the Mentors’ early arrival and secure their home.

Weaving in familiar gods from Greek mythology—Hades himself has stolen Alex's Titan magic—and creating imaginative elf lore, Parker builds an intricate universe full of magic, surprise (Glock-wielding Elves!), and thousands of years’ worth of tradition. But Alex's rebellious spirit and sarcastic wit keep the narrative light and engaging, even in the face of deaths, enemy fractions, journeys to the stars, and questions of family loyalty and predestined obligation. Trained as a soldier since the age of four, Alex is not new to danger, yet navigating the responsibilities of her duty as Keeper and following the rules of political protocol are almost as formidable as her adversaries.As Alex works to uncover the duplicitous plan of betrayal by other factions, Alex finds that not only is the fate of Eledon and the elfin gold at risk, but so is her life.

Fans of elf fantasy, mythology, and genre-crossing fantasy involving the likes of “Star Elves” will enjoy the world building and character arcs. Telling the story herself in brisk first-person, Alex is a quick witted, powerhouse of a heroine that readers will be happy to learn will return in later books

Takeaway: Inventive space-faring elfin fantasy boasting a quick-witted Earth heroine.

Comparable Titles: Lindsay Buroker's The Elf Tangent, Analeigh Sbrana's Lore of the Wilds.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: B+
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: B+

Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9798861689618
  • 390 pages
  • $18.99
