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Alice Pinion
The Essential Sporting Mind Toolkit
Alice Pinion, author
The Essential Sporting Mind Toolkit will help you develop the sports performance mind skills for mental toughness, to optimise performance and fulfil your true potential. Even the most talented, fit and dedicated athletes fall short on training their minds. Alice Pinion explains the most common areas all sports people struggle with and simply shows how to fix your thinking to reap the physical rewards. This book is the result of a decade of tuning the minds of 1000’s of real people one by one who all wanted to maximise performance. It’s compiled for those who coach, self coach, teach, or parent sports people from all disciplines and at all levels. This book will show you simply how to: Thrive on pressure Develop rock solid confidence Get more out of your physical efforts than ever Set motivating goals effectively Positively process performance to progress like never before Develop a Champion Winning Mindset for maximum enjoyment and best results

5 Star An Essential Read

This really is as the title suggests, an Essential sporting Mind Toolkit. Unlike other sports mind coaching books I have read, this book is full of helpful information in an easy to follow and understand format. Having read through this book twice now, I am seeing great improvements in the weak areas of my sport (Motocross) just by following some of the simple rules layed out in this book. If you are looking for a sporting edge or feel something isn't quite right in your given sport I really cannot recommend this book enough.


5 Star The only book you need to achieve your goals

The one book you need to help you achieve your sporting ambitions. This book has great practical suggestions that really help get a handle on pre event nerves and maximise enjoyment of challenges! Turns around negative experience and thoughts into learning and important steps to increase your confidence! An easy read packed with good advice, and tips,has helped me lots, would thoroughly recommend it!


5 Star Professional Guide for All Sports People

Absolutely fantastic guide. Working as a therapist and an ex-professional sports person, I have confidence that this will assist anyone wanting to achieve their sporting goals.

