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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798889454830
  • 198 pages
  • $9.99
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The Extended War Diary of a German POW
Helga McKee , author
In this poignant autobiography, a young German girl reflects on her harrowing experiences amidst the ravages of war-torn German during World War II. Navigate the gripping narrative as she grapples with the relentless challenges of fear, hunger, and the desperate quest for survival, painting a vivid portrait of the endless days and nights shaped by the tumultuous backdrop of history.
Struggle for Survival and Hope During World War II

A Young German Girl’s Compelling Account of Resilience Amid World War II


MUSIC CITY, Nashville, April 27, 2024 – Amid World War II's turmoil, innocent Germans endured untold suffering, often forgotten amid the chaos as they were often viewed as the enemy due to their association with the Nazi regime.


The Extended War Diary of a German POW is a poignant narrative of resilience and courage emerges as a young German girl recounts her experiences during the tumultuous days of World War II, offering readers a compelling glimpse into a life shaped by fear, hunger, and the unwavering quest for survival amid the ravages of war.


Helga McKee, a native of Nuremberg, Germany, and a resident of Tennessee since her immigration to the United States in 1956, is a multifaceted literary talent. Beyond her notable co-authorship of My Journey of Captivity: The story of a German POW with Hans Gussmann, Helga has independently penned and self-published the compelling book The Extended War Diary of a German POW. This is a testament to her prowess not only as a translator of her father's biography but also as a skilled and dedicated writer in her own regard.


The Extended War Diary of a German POW provides an immersive journey into the real-life happenings of a young German girl during World War II, revealing her harrowing struggles and eventual triumphs amid the chaos. Helga McKee's poignant narrative offers a unique perspective, inviting readers to witness the resilience and hope that persisted amid the turmoil of war.

The Extended War Diary of a German POW is readily available for order from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other major book retailers worldwide. Visit

Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2024
  • 9798889454830
  • 198 pages
  • $9.99
