Plot: The dual timelines of this story make for an engaging plot, though the portions of the story set in 2010 tend to move at a bit of faster, more dynamic pace than those in the past.
Prose/Style: Wenzler's prose captivates and entices. The witty, flirty banter between Olivia and Chris as they role-play pulls readers in and the prose remains engaging throughout.
Originality: Though the story of a married couple in distress isn't particularly novel, Olivia and Chris are such endearing and deep characters that readers will likely find this more enjoyable and compelling than your average contemporary.
Character Development: Olivia's strength and vulnerability around her unexpected pregnancy and feelings of betrayal creates a deeply sympathetic character whose voice is strong throughout the novel. Chris is a worthy secondary character whose distinctions of characterization balance well with Olivia's. The remaining cast members, especially Dana, round out the novel nicely.
Blurb: A sharply paced, engaging novel that is at once engrossing and heartbreaking.
Date Submitted: May 28, 2020