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The Faces of Murder
There is something in a person's eyes that you cannot see anywhere else in the world. Something haunting and unsettling. Names can come and go, but not the faces. You don't forget a face, especially one that reflects a dead person. Or two. Book Two is about several murders on a train, stuck in the middle of nowhere, in a small desert town. But, what does the FBI have to do with it?? Join the four ladies who live in a nursing home, but love to solve murders and mysteries. Led by "Weezie" Hightower, they set out to help solve a multi-murder mystery. Who are these dead people? Why don't their faces match their identities? And who killed them? This is the second murder mystery novel in the Hightower Mystery Series, based on characters in several short stories previously written by the author Marilyn Wright Dayton. Follow along and join these four 'feisty' seniors as they pool their thoughts and ideas as they search for the answers.
