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Mary Fan
Author, Editor (anthology)
The Firedragon (Flynn Nightsider)
Mary Fan, author
Almost a hundred years ago, the Enchanters defeated the Lord of the Underworld in one of the most fearsome wars the world had ever seen. The public thinks that this victory means the people are safe. But they're wrong. The supernatural beasts the Lord unleashed remain on the earth, multiplying and ravaging what's left of civilization. As long as these monsters exist, mankind will be in danger. And though the government, ruled by the magic-wielding Enchanters, seeks to protect their people, they are too few in number. They need the Defenders - a special class of non-magical humans - to fight the monsters. The Defenders are an elite force, and mankind's only hope against the horrors that live beyond their gates. Fourteen-year-old Aurelia ""the Firedragon"" Sun has been training since she could walk to become a Defender, and her extraordinary combat skills have earned the attention of the powerful government. In fact, she's been tapped to represent her nation in an international monster-fighting competition, which pits champions from across the globe against creatures of the Underworld in a violent spectacle. If she wins, she will become a full-fledged member of the Defender force. But as Aurelia moves deeper into the competition, she realizes that all is not as it appears. There's something sinister behind the competition, something that could change the way she sees everything and the Enchanters, it seems, are not the heroes she thought. Aurelia begins to ask questions. But before she can discover the truth, she is pitted against the most dangerous monster in the competition - one that will take her life if it can.
Author George Ebey

I can’t begin to express how excellent this story is. It has everything. Monsters. Swords. And enough action to drop your jaw ten times over. 

Picture a future where supernatural monsters roam the world. The human race is split into two classes: magic-wielding humans known as Enchanters and those without magical powers known as Norms. In this world, the Norms are looked down upon as second class citizens. But one of them, the feisty Aurelia Sun, is having none of that. 

Aurelia is out to prove that Norms can kill monsters just as effectively as Enchanters can, and you can bet that she puts her heart and soul into every monster-basing moment of it. 

I won’t say more; except to say that it is a ride worth taking and then some. I can’t wait to see where it’s all going from here. 

Author Tash McAdam

What an excellent introduction to a complex mythology; I really enjoyed learning about the different beasts our hero, Aurelia Sun had to face in her adventures. A gutsy, quick thinking young woman, who is easy to empathise with, she is a character in the vein of Alanna of Trebond. In fact, I feel like readers of Tamora Pierce will be very on board with Mary Fan's writing in general. 
Believable combat, and fast paced action scenes kept me glued to my kindle as we raced to the final show down. Can't wait to see what happens next! 

Blog of Erised

WOW! I was absolutely hooked from the start of this novella, enchanted from the first sentence on. I loved the writing style, simple, fluid, very engaging, a little funny, and mysterious enough to just keep me reading on and on. I had no idea what it'd be about, but I understood quickly because Fan described it all. It wasn't too explanatory, too descriptive, too bothersome. It didn't drive the reader away from the actual story unveiling because Fan provided just enough information to make you understand the rules of the world but to keep you in the 'now'.

There was immediate action as well, and I was super excited for it because it was apparent from the start there will be fighting and kick-assing. I didn't have high expectations and that's why this novella totally blew me away.

I loved Aurelia, she was a fun but focused and dedicated teenager, sure of what she wants, determined she will get it, and how. She had a point to prove and she did it. Plus she made me chuckle a few times out loud and I love when books make me do that. She was pretty flawed as a character, headstrong and stubborn, not really thinking ten seconds ahead, and very cocky, but I really liked her a lot despite that. She just was so very likable.

I was reminded a little of Harry Potter here and there, with people division, the Dark Lord, with magic and beasts, but that made the novella more homey. I instantly felt comfortable reading it so the pages just flew by. It was easy to read, fun to read, interesting to read, and I really had a fun time finishing it.

It was this mix of dystopia, of oppression and bleakness, but it was also a little fantastical. It had magic and beasts, and also a bad government oppressing the majority. It sounds like something that would clash, but I could easily imagine it all, and was drawn to it very much because fantasy and dystopia are absolutely my favorite genres. It was set in broken down Manhattan, which puts it in the future I guess, but I wasn't too sure about the world. I was a little confused it was seemingly in our world, but I figured we'd get to know more about it in the actual first novel anyhow. I did not wonder about it too much because so many other things were going down.

I am super excited for the actual first book in the series because this novella set a great stepping stone for an amazing story to kick off. It was really tense and action-packed, and so many possible threats and hints were woven into it I just couldn't read fast enough. I had to know what happens and now I really must get my hands on the first book asap!

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