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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2023
  • 9781662477379
  • 478 pages
  • $28.95
G. Edward Martin
Author, Illustrator
The Flower from the Garbage
The Flower from the Garbage follows the journey of a newly wedded couple, Joe and Audrey Palmer, when they miscarry their baby and begin to disconnect from one another. While Audrey goes silent and isolates herself, Joe continues to work more hours and make poor decisions—risking his marriage and future. Their marriage is saved when Joe discovers an unlikely friend and mentor in the form of a homeless philosopher who chose a life on the streets of Chicago after losing his own wife to cancer. Although Frank, the homeless philosopher, advises Joe on how to work through this specific tragedy, he goes on to teach him many important lessons about what it means to be a good man, a husband, a father and a more. This story shows the world through Joe’s eyes as we not only witness his personal struggles, but as Joe comes to learn Frank’s unique story of how he came to be a homeless philosopher who lives to serve others. The main narrative is also broken up with several short stories, novelettes, and notes distributed throughout the book. The Flower from the Garbage is a Philosophical Fiction, not only about the struggles of modern America, but also about the timeless truths of the human condition and our pursuit of meaning and understanding. This uniquely crafted story leaves no stone unturned and confronts many of the most difficult and uncomfortable topics imaginable, invoking a range of emotions but ultimately leaving you with the taste of hope.
Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2023
  • 9781662477379
  • 478 pages
  • $28.95
