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Ebook Details
  • 06/2020
  • B0871PDK16
  • 57 pages
  • $1.99
Nicki Greenwood
The Fudge Ripple Effect (One Scoop or Two)

Adult; Romance; (Market)

Jax Thatcher loves creating stained glass, but love can't pay the bills. After a disastrous relationship, love lands her back in Narragansett with her overbearing parents and a mountain of I-told-you-so's. Broke and brokenhearted, she's forced to abandon her romantic and artistic dreams. Fortunately for Jax, fate is making waves on her behalf.

Sawyer Hennessey, the handsome owner of a generations-old soda fountain, has been burned in love himself. When an accident shatters the stained-glass transom of his shop's front window, Jax splashes into his quiet life.

Suspicious of their growing feelings, Jax and Sawyer can't resist testing the waters. They have a lot to learn about the ripples people make in each other's lives, and how one little drop might lead to an outpouring of love.

Ebook Details
  • 06/2020
  • B0871PDK16
  • 57 pages
  • $1.99
