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Paperback Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9781738576111 B0D21K4RVB
  • 288 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 978-1-7385761-0-4 B0D21K4RVB
  • 288 pages
  • $2.99
Jeanne Olivier
The Girl in my Dreams

Adult; Romance; (Market)

Gripping and emotional, The Girl in my Dreams is a love story with a suspenseful twist that will keep you captivated until the very end. When up-and-coming rock star Oliver meets gorgeous but wild Nina at a club, their connection is instant. Then a car crash cracks Oliver’s spine and leaves Nina in a coma. As Oliver recovers in hospital, he has vivid dreams of Nina, but every day his injuries heal, Nina’s condition worsens. Convinced one of them must get worse for the other to get better, Oliver deliberately hurts himself during a physio session… and Nina wakes up. Oliver is dismayed to face a lifetime in a wheelchair, but with Nina at his side, their connection blossoms into an obsessive romance, until they discover that they have been sharing the same dreams. Unhinged and desperate, Nina wants to dive deeper into the world of lucid dreaming, while Oliver fights to protect Nina from finding out she may have been drunk at the wheel the night of the accident, which would send her further down the road of self-destruction. But why do they share these dreams? Are there more sinister forces at play? Will their love be enough to overcome their harsh reality—or are they skidding headlong toward another crash?
In Olivier’s twisty, obsessive debut, an up-and-coming rock-and-roller’s infatuation with a girl around town turns into something darker and stranger after the two endure a near-fatal collision. Oliver Lawrence has been eyeballing Nina as she “whirls” around the clubs like “some mystical damn fairy,” but they’ve barely spoken before the night when he rides his motorcycle straight into her unexpectedly stopped car, sending both to the hospital with life-changing injuries. Despite painful surgeries to repair his broken spine, Oliver spends as much time as he can at Nina’s bedside, where she’s fighting through a coma. When Nina eventually wakes, she reciprocates Oliver’s obsession, falling all over herself to offer understanding, support, and plenty of sex in a relationship that feels far more developed than their brief acquaintanceship merits.

Olivier seems to relish toying with readers’ expectations, as the questions about what’s really going on become ever more urgent. The one other hiccup in the leads’ bubble—besides intense dreams in which Olivier conjures intimate, sometimes eroticized dread via wrenching and poetic imagery—seems to be Nina’s drinking, which is made worse for Oliver by the facts that his parents apparently died in a collision with a drunk driver. But as dreams and reality collide the story takes even wilder turns, with a hostage situation, unexpected blood test results, mad scientists, and tantalizing hints about the true nature of this couple’s connection.

Though labeled a romance, The Girl in My Dreams plays out as a darkly romantic thriller with a science-fiction edge, as Olivier demonstrates a deft sleight-of-hand when it comes to plotting, genre, and the ways that her leads truly are connected. The twists jolt, the couplings are vigorous and inventive, and a host of dreamlike and unsettling moments—like one love scene involving a forked tongue, or another centered on inked markings on a body—prove truly disorienting, but perhaps the biggest surprise, in the end, is that, touchingly, romance wins the day.

Takeaway: Obsessive romantic thriller of paralysis, mad dreams, and unexpected connection.

Comparable Titles: Karen Hamilton’s The Perfect Girlfriend, ​​Lisa Jewell’s Watching You.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Paperback Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9781738576111 B0D21K4RVB
  • 288 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 978-1-7385761-0-4 B0D21K4RVB
  • 288 pages
  • $2.99
