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Lelina Durrette
The Girl Who Was Too Much And Not Enough
Lose weight while you sleep the easy way! Let Sleep-A-Weigh Spa end your weight-loss struggles once and for all. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12-month packages available. Pounds and inches slip away effortlessly as you sleep! Leave the hard part to us. This is the future that Kiera lives in. In a society where looks equal power, government control over diet and exercise is the norm and certain foods are banned, she struggles to fit in. She has to deal with the ridicule of her peers, an unsupportive mother and sister, and a system that seems stacked against her. With her eighteenth birthday fast approaching, she contemplates checking herself into the “Center”, where most people go to achieve physical perfection. What she doesn’t expect is meeting Asa, a boy who likes her just the way she is, and who smuggles contraband for a living. When Asa introduces Kiera to an underground world she never dreamed existed, she must decide how badly she wants to conform to her world and where her loyalties lie.
