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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781502419279 1502419270
  • 136 pages
  • $12.99
Stuart E. Elwell
The God Notion: A Non-Religious Guide To Believing In God

How can we possibly believe the old ideas about God in the face of modern scientific understandings? ...But it doesn’t have to be God vs. science, or God vs. evolution? This new book explains why.

These are the biggest questions humanity has ever asked: Why are we here, what is the meaning of life, and who, or what, is God? It all boils down to asking why there is something more than nothing? But even nothing means nothing, unless it is not being something.

Anything at all has to be more than nothing but less that everything: So the reason there is something more than nothing, is the same reason anything is less than everything: And this is why anything exists at all, and why nothing lasts forever ...even the universe came from nothing and will not last for all eternity. However, the reason for its existence comes from the eternal Source for everything existing in the first place.

The book describes how all potentiality and emergence comes from an Infinite Source, but this source cannot be anything without becoming less than infinite, or finite. So infinite potential needs to be worked out in the context of the polar opposites of nothing and everything. To quote from the book..."stemming from a kind of pure thinking [the universe] is focussing potentials like a universal brain, or mind." This means Universal Mind shows its workings as reality within space and time. The book goes into depth explaining all this in an easy to read but inspiring way. The author presents a logical non-religious argument for believing in God, and describes spirituality and divine purpose as a fact-based science-friendly subject that could change the way people think about the concept of God forever.

This book offers a strong counter-argument to atheism but also challenges the religious perspectives. The headline of the book's back cover, or blurb, is, "a science-friendly interpretation of spirituality and divine purpose."

Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781502419279 1502419270
  • 136 pages
  • $12.99
