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Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798889100843
  • 260 pages
  • $$17.95
Epub Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798889100867
  • 260 pages
  • $$4.50
Devan B. Deyerin
The God Squad: Thunder and Pomp

Children/Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

The Clarke brothers had grown accustomed to the monsters only they could see, but confronting gods is proving to be a far graver challenge. The two ran away from home to shield their family from the menacing creatures, but a twist of fate sees them lose their magical protection. The duo soon find themselves caught in a celestial war over the fate of the gods. Loathe to be pawns in divine schemes, they discover gods are as petty and flawed as humans. Just as the Clarke brothers find a safe place where they might fit in, their world is turned upside down again. The brothers are thrust into the complexity of good and evil, realizing life is full of shades of grey – until it isn’t. Facing an uncertain destiny, they must forge unlikely alliances, learn to trust their friends, and muster faith in themselves to protect each other and find a place to call home. In this tale of courage and camaraderie, every choice they make tips the scale between peril and salvation, not just for them, but for humanity.


These Characters Will Capture Your Hearts
The Deyerins' "Thunder and Pomp" is a fusion of mythological and the intimate struggles of its characters. The authors skillfully balance action-packed sequences with heartfelt moments, crafting a story that is as thrilling as it is touching. The vivid descriptions and imaginative settings transport readers to a world that feels at once ancient and urgently contemporary. This novel not only entertains but also invites reflection on the nature of heroism and the timeless relevance of myths in our lives.


New and Fun

Really enjoyed this new take on mythology and different gods! Many books stick to one pantheon, but this one covers multiple and intertwines them all together. Very cool concept and enjoyable story telling!

Paperback Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798889100843
  • 260 pages
  • $$17.95
Epub Details
  • 00/2024
  • 9798889100867
  • 260 pages
  • $$4.50
