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tanja subotic
The Golden Virtue
The Golden Virtue Synapsis: An inspirational and modern day telling of a woman named Ysabel and her inner pilgrimage set forth by a series of multiple illnesses and diseases that ultimately held her captive in a life lived in a state of unconsciousness. On the threshold of spiraling into to the depths of her darkness, Ysabel is faced with the frightening reality that something beyond the purview of traditional medicine has literally taken her to her knees setting forth the quickening of a series of revelations for discernment that her ongoing health crisis may be more than the manifestation of illnesses. Realizing modern medicine has offered limited solutions for her increasingly failing health and emotional discord, Ysabel is granted the gift of insight from her adored son Elijah that ultimately opens the door to her inner tabernacle that initiates the greatest discoveries that lay latent beneath the mask of her disease. A motivation seeded by her son to understand the deep truths of life, regaining balance and finding love for herself and her presence within the world. Through a journey enriched with divine guidance, Ysabel departs from the resistance found in what was once perceived as the darkness as she emerges into the grace and her redemption found in the light, as she forges a relationship with her divinity that unveils the greatest truths found within this divine communion. Ysabel blossoms into the essence of her being as she emerges from the dark valleys of her life that once bound her. Through the guidance of divine wisdom, she is inspired to return to the light in her heart. Throughout her benevolent and intriguing journey, she is guided by divine inspiration as her dramatic destiny unfolds. In the wake of her divine calling, the latent, innate genius creative life force energy within her soul is unveiled and manifests itself in an expression of beauty and love that inspires the light in humanity, uniting the world as one family.
