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Kareena Maxwell
The Granny Chronicles: Learning to Speak Leopard
A peek into one woman’s journey with her mother as dementia slowly takes their language to a foreign place of learning to understand the changing brain.
Frena Gray-Davidson

“I love "Learning to Speak Leopard," a fresh lively account of a daughter caring for her mother on a dementia journey. It's not about disease. It's all about relationship with humor, compassion and no whining. It's about the truth of how transformative the caregiving journey can be when heart, soul and humor are brought together to make a deep journey of understanding. If only every caregiver took this approach, there'd be much less sorrow in caregiver lives.

 Frena Gray-Davidson, Award winning writer, author of five books on dementia including Speaking Dementia Making Sense of it all,” Balian Books, 2016 revised



Yvonne Schneider

"Wow!  I couldn't put it down! Kareena's best work yet! I felt as though I was seeing your mom through my eyes each moment. Each and every trial and triumph made me look on with humbled awe. Awe at what each of you goes through each day. Awe at how all your lives have changed. Awed and inspired."

Yvonne Schneider, owner of Books n Treasures Book Store, Show Low, Arizona 

