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Phyllis Entis
The Green Pearl Caper. A Damien Dickens Mystery
Celine Sutherland is dead - her body half-hidden under the Atlantic City Boardwalk - and Damien Dickens, P.I. killed her. Detective Lt. James Holmes found Damien’s gun and wallet near the crime scene, and discovered Celine's cash-filled, emerald-studded evening bag hidden in Damien’s apartment. Sylvia Sutherland, Celine’s older sister and CEO of the family’s tobacco empire, insists that Dickens pulled the trigger. And the Sutherlands carry a lot of influence in Atlantic City. Even Damien’s secretary has deserted him - gone to work for the Sutherlands. Only Celine’s younger sister, Susan, believes in his innocence. After Susan bails him out of jail, Damien follows his gut and a series of clues in order to clear his name. His quest takes him to several Atlantic City landmarks, inland to Everettville, a small New Jersey town, and north to Vermont, where he confronts Celine's killer. THE GREEN PEARL CAPER, set in the summer of 1979, is the first in a series of Damien Dickens mysteries.
