"A romance thriller (with) a dose of intrigue and cat-and-mouse action...Farrelly's ability to capture the nuances of autism is realistic and involving, as is her ability to realistically represent the emotions and motivations of two very different protagonists...The autism angle is the single strongest device in The Guardian's Angel...elevating the plot to a whole new level...Libby and J.D.'s romance is well-developed and builds up slowly...a satisfying adjunct to the overlaying tension in the thriller...(It) will appeal to readers of crime stories, thrillers, and romance alike."
"An intelligent, fast-paced thriller. J.D.'s adopted godchild, Tommy, is autistic, and Farrelly's handling of the subject is inspired. There's also a bit of paranormal fantasy: J.D. and Libby have a mental connection that allows them to communicate telepathically. It's fun to watch how they come to terms with this ability and learn to respect each other's boundaries...(The novel) works wonderfully on all these levels. It's..entertaining and really well-written. I...wholeheartedly recommend it."
"A great story and so descriptive, you feel as if you are the one in danger...a thriller that leaves you on the edge of your seat from the first page to the last!"