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Paperback Book Details
  • 9781619277120 1619277123
  • pages
  • $
The Guys & Gals Guide to Saving Money. How to Save More, Spend Less and Feel Like a Million Bucks!
An inspiring story of Lisa Dellarossa's journey to pay off credit card debt in a short amount of time, and still maintain her career as a full time vocalist. Lisa shares with us her heart warming, encouraging and sometimes comical stories and insightful views on how to live frugally and stretch hard earned dollars. She shares her secrets on how to uncover those extra 'pennies from heaven' while still enjoying living the 'simple life'. She proves in any fickle industry, as long as one lives below their means, it's possible to live a debt free lifestyle and build up a nest egg as well. All the while, Lisa helps the reader find security, confidence and true value within oneself. An inspirational and educational story for anyone!
Paperback Book Details
  • 9781619277120 1619277123
  • pages
  • $
