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Antonia Hall
The Happy Human Playbook
Antonia Hall, author
Healthy, simple pleasures can be transformative. Are you feeling stressed out, anxious, and generally unfulfilled? You’re not alone. The fact is that most humans find true satisfaction to be elusive. Fortunately you can rewire your body to bring a true sense of happiness back into your life — one pleasure at a time. It is too rare that our society encourages the exploration or discussion of the health benefits of enjoying our bodies, especially when it pertains to sexuality. Many of us were simply not taught to enjoy our bodies, which can leave us disconnected from not only the pleasures all around us just awaiting our attention but the very heart of human experience. In this book, transpersonal psychologist and wellness expert, Antonia Hall, offers scientifically-backed ways to access pleasure that will lead to real, achievable happiness that you can feel. Finally, you will be able to calm your overstressed nervous system, enjoy your world and yourself in new ways, and experience well-being and satisfaction — in life and behind closed doors. Learn to stop monkey mind, embrace the present moment, shed body shame, get better sleep, have better relationships with others and the world and experience more joy, pleasure and real satisfaction.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Hall offers a sprightly self-help guide that will entertain as it teaches, aimed at helping improve well-being through the art of play and pleasure. The book references the scientific alongside the imaginative, pairing the two nicely into one interesting text.

Prose: Creative and playful prose dots the pages of this guide, perfectly in sync with the book’s theme. Hall uses imaginative metaphors to bring her suggestions to life.

Originality: Hall’s willingness to address topics that many books shy away from is refreshing, and she offers readers functional advice that comes with a sparky edge. 

Character/Execution: The hands-on activities are useful and highlight the book’s main concepts, and Hall is careful to leave space for each reader to customize her advice.

Date Submitted: October 12, 2022

