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Robert E. Kearns
The Imposters of Badington Bay

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

A well-to-do gentleman arrives in the seaside town of Badington. It's winter and out of season for tourists, but he has business to attend to with a peculiar old man and his beautiful daughter. However, to shocking results, for this out-of-towner everything is not as it seems. With his wonderful way with words, incredible description and beautiful literary style, award winning author, Robert E. Kearns is sure to captivate with this sensational short story.
Readers' Favorite

Reviewed by Rabia Tanveer for Readers' Favorite

The Imposters of Badington Bay by Robert E. Kearns is the story of a man who came to Badington on a mission and finds out everything is not as it seems in this sleepy little town. Badington is not a place where you look for entertainment that goes beyond a few hours. People come to this town and leave it quickly as well. But for Mr. Chelmsford, Badington is more than a little town with nothing to offer. He is a city gentleman and he has some purchase to make from a man he does not really trust. But the man has something Chelmsford would love to acquire. However, soon Chelmsford realizes that the game he is playing may be a little too difficult for him and he may never be able to recover after what happens in Badington.

The Imposters of Badington Bay by Robert E. Kearns is a short yet very entertaining story. My literature professor used to say that the perfect short story is like a slice of life; no matter how you look at it, it’s complete and concise. This story is a perfect example. The story flows at a pace that keeps the plot going; my interest was built the moment Mr. Chelmsford was introduced and I knew I needed to know what he was doing in a town like this. While no time period is mentioned, the style of the narrative and the dressing of the characters are a clear indicator of the historical era and I think the author handled it all really well. A quick read that I enjoyed a lot!

