Plot: Charming illustrations by Jennifer Keen grace this tale told in well-crafted rhyming couplets about an enormous Jiger and his wife, the Tiraffe. They are looking forward to having a baby and wondering who it will resemble, Jiger with his long neck and stripes, or Tiraffe, with her hooves and spots. The surprise ending will delight the preschool age set.
Prose/Style: This story rolls off the tongue and will be one that youngsters will want to have read to them over and over.
Originality: The story is wonderful, though the ending couplets are perhaps a little heavy-handed.
Character Development/Execution: Jiger and Tiraffe prove to be loving, accepting parents, whoever their babies turn out to be.
Blurb: Bright, well-executed illustrations help tell this story of love and acceptance. The tale is told in rhyming couplets that make it an excellent read-aloud for preschoolers.
Date Submitted: July 22, 2021