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Mikah Ann
Author, Service Provider
The Journey Through Tribulation
Mikah , author

Adult; Spirituality/Inspirational; (Market)

FULL COLOR PHOTOS OF THE SPIRIT REALM This holy Book was prophesied in Ezekiel 2:10 and Revelation 5:1 and is the God-breathed correct interpretation of the Daniel and Revelation prophesies, teaching the truth about the end of the age. Father Yhovah knew from the beginning there would be false teachers, with many believing they have the truth, so He hid the truth of end-time prophecy in these visions. These warning messages will help many to REPENT, get sanctified, and get caught up on the Day of Wrath.
Plot/Idea: 5 out of 10
Originality: 5 out of 10
Prose: 4 out of 10
Character/Execution: 3 out of 10
Overall: 4.25 out of 10


Plot: This book may be hard to understand and follow for readers, who will find a smattering of predictions regarding the end of the world, with a combination of perplexing numerology, biblical quotes, and prophecies made by the author himself.

Prose/Style: Appropriately, as the work is "co-authored with the Holy Spirit," the prose is reminiscent of the New Testament, which may appeal to biblical scholars.

Originality: Readers may find much of the end-times prophecy to be familiar and not especially illuminating. A more detailed look at numerology and other less-explored concepts may spark interest.

Character Development/Execution: Mikah has composed a passionate, but somewhat baffling treatise regarding the end-times and the seeking of salvation. Despite its forceful ideas, the book is ultimately difficult to discern.

Date Submitted: October 04, 2021

