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Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 978-1-952406
  • 366 pages
  • $6.99
Jeana Kendrick
The Last Bridge Across Mostar

In 1992, war-torn Bosnia, every day, is a battle for American Katrina Winslow. Accused of spying, she risks her life to protect the war orphans caught in the crossfire. As Serbian forces plot historic Mostar’s destruction, Katrina’s mission grows more perilous.

Croatian Captain Lucien Brezac, driven by a fierce sense of duty, helps Katrina to save the innocent and prevent a catastrophe that could kill thousands. Sparks fly between them, and unexpected feelings complicate their mission. As the stakes rise, they must navigate a web of intrigue and violence, relying on each other to survive.

In a gripping tale of courage and sacrifice, the enduring power of love shines in the darkest of times. Will Katrina and Lucien succeed in their desperate quest to save the children and Mostar, or will forces of destruction overwhelm them? Dive into this heart-pounding thriller and discover the resilience of the human spirit.

Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Kendrick’s ambitious plot follows Katrina Winslow, an American living in 1990s Bosnia, as she struggles to take care of a group of refugee orphans following a raid that killed their caretakers—and Katrina’s fellow Americans. The novel takes off immediately, and Kendrick interjects numerous significant events into the storyline, but their development is more instant than gradual. As Katrina wades through the waters of war—and the accusation that she’s functioning as a spy—she must learn who she can and can’t trust, all while experiencing a personal metamorphosis from unfettered to driven by a special purpose.

Prose: Flashbacks add depth to the story, and Kendrick delivers plenty of background to structure the history behind the novel, though the buildup to pivotal scenes is often abrupt, sacrificing some tension at times.

Originality: Kendrick strikes a nice balance between historical perspectives and character-driven moments, allowing readers a glimpse into an important time period for Bosnia alongside a cast of deeply engaging, appealing characters who undergo believable transformations.

Character/Execution: Katrina’s musings and reflections on how her world changes are engaging and intuitive, speaking to a larger context of destructive hate and discrimination. Her gradual understanding of the motivations driving the war in Bosnia is mirrored in the way her relationship with Lucien Brezak changes throughout the novel, and readers will be swept into their story as their mission merges into one.

Date Submitted: July 29, 2024

Door of Hope International President Paul Haralan Popov

“Kendrick’s thrilling novel reveals her first-hand experience in The Balkans. Her book is about an event that shocked Europe and ultimately involved US military might. If you are interested in European historical events, this well-written suspense will educate and entertain you.”

Dr. Guida M. Jackson, author of Traditional Epics and other books

“Your Mostar novel, which, by the way, I LOVE . . . is a fine book.”



Jacquiline Pelham, authorof Under the Rose and A Promise To Die For

“This epic adventure places the reader front and center in the conflicts of several Yugoslavian republics. Kendrick’s first-hand knowledge of the warring areas, impeccable research, believable characters, riveting suspense, and sensitive prose bring to life the chilling realities of how war can affect the lives of average individuals. A great story with characters we learn to care about.”


Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 978-1-952406
  • 366 pages
  • $6.99
