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Dr. Bill Senyard
The Last Quest
Being in business can feel like running the gauntlet. Few executives, owners, or entrepreneurs leave unscathed. Sometimes we wonder if all the sacrifices are worth it. This is particularly true when you truly get smacked in the mouth and staying down on the turf looks pretty good. In those moments, the typical religious bromides and bumper stickers can be insulting and impotent. Harvey is a successful entrepreneur and CEO who hoped to hang up his spurs years ago, but the timing was never right. The delay has cost him. Now, he’s on the precipice of losing it all. He’s a Christian but feels very alone in the universe. One evening, a depressed Harvey stumbles upon a simple young adult fantasy book, the Tale of the Unlikely Prince. He is about to be launched on his own quest, a quest that just might change his life and legacy. Welcome to The Last Quest.
