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Sara Sheeran
The Leaves Are Dancing
Sara Sheeran, author
The Leaves Are Dancing is a work of fiction set in Ireland in a not too distant past. It deals with a family (parents, children and their spouses, grandchildren) confronting the devastating diagnosis of Lewy Body dementia and all that this means – hospital visits, memory loss, changes in behaviour, fear, grief and so on. But the story also focuses on the main character – Brigid – and her hallucinations (a symptom of LBD). In this ‘perceived reality’ Brigid ‘meets’ and is guided by a mysterious woman in the woods. This ‘perceived reality’ could be interpreted as simply an hallucination or (think Shamanism and Quantum Physics) perhaps Brigid is actually side-stepping into another world, one where she finds solace and guidance. It is a story that mixes solid medical facts against the spiritual; the struggle of Brigid and her family, but also that glimmer of hope, of positivity despite the impending death of a loved one.
