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Cheryl Devenney
The Legacy Soars!
Carly, a California native, traveled to upstate New York last year to meet, the relatives of her deceased father that she-never-knew. While there, she discovered a wonderful and loving family with a fascinating history. Captivated and inspired by the story of her great grandmother, Carly is now anxious to spend her upcoming summer vacation with them and is again drawn into the saga of Tina and her fiancé, Tommy. With the depression on their heels, and World War II threatening in Europe, Tina and Tommy marry and have children. But they could never have imagined the adversities they have to face, and how the lives of their relatives and friends would be changed forever. Once again, Carly is enthralled by their stories, and she hates to leave her extended family. But when she returns home to California, her own life poses a staggering blow that she could’ve never seen coming.
