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Paperback Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9781649456816
  • 422 pages
  • $15
Paperback Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9781649456816
  • 422 pages
  • $15
Escaping from a life of little potential where they had long suffered under the yoke of extreme oppression by their leaders, a group of brave individuals ventured across space as they ought out a new life. One where their sense of adventure and creativity would finally be something celebrated, not suppressed. Four months following their landing in the new System of planets, the new arrivals experienced an unexpected phenomenon. Whilst all had observed the two moons and their unusual crisscrossing trajectories across the sky, it was a special night when the two moons created a display of light never seen before. The moons, which had been approaching each other in the night sky, appeared to link their light, despite their great distance from one another. Thus began a new culture, one of light and power with the birth of a new race of people whose rare abilities would be the envy of many. It was only in his late age that the leader, Tor, realized that this phenomenon was not experienced only by their own planet Torain, but also benefited the other planets in the System and he thus named it the 'System of Light'. Known to its inhabitants as the SOL. The story takes us into the future of this System and how it had developed. The information hidden by Tor in those early years for the people who would inhabit the planet and the system itself, and the experiences involved in discovering them thousands of moons later, are key to their future. The challenges were unforeseen and dramatic as an enemy in the form of the warlike Kashada from a distant dark system, threatened their very survival. Their strength is pushed to the limits but working together they could survive.
Paperback Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9781649456816
  • 422 pages
  • $15
Paperback Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9781649456816
  • 422 pages
  • $15
