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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B07L5TJJBT
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Isla Wynter
Author, Illustrator
The Little Llama Meets a Unicorn: An illustrated children's book (The Little Llama's Adventures 1)
Isla Wynter, author
Lila the litle llama has always wanted to meet a unicorn. But where to find one? She follows the rainbow until she meets a very strange unicorn... not at all like what she imagined. An illustrated children's book.
One day, Lila the llama, a dove gray llama with long lashes and a soft blush, decides to search for a unicorn, compiling a list of relevant details to aid her quest (“If Lila wanted to find a unicorn, she just needed to look for a rainbow!”). Searching near and far, across the cactus-dotted desert, the sloth-inhabited forest, and by the sea, Lila finally comes across a single-horned ungulate—but her new friend is more like her than she initially expected, and comes bearing a surprising truth. Multimedia illustrations against gradient watercolor washes bolster the text. The pacing feels uneven and the resolution seems based in whim rather than a clear narrative build, but the soft, simple art and interactive questions throughout (“Have you ever seen a unicorn?”) work to engage readers. Ages 4–8. (Self-published)
Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • B07L5TJJBT
  • pages
  • $

