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Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • 978-1665751339
  • 40 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • B0CP3HWYF3
  • 40 pages
  • $3.99
James Lyon
The Lonely Dragon
James Lyon, author
In a cave high up on a mountain lives a very wealthy dragon with large piles of gold and jewelry. But, he is sad because he has no one to share the beauty of his riches with. At the bottom of the mountain is a poor, tiny village, full of villagers who are always tired and hungry. Among them is a boy named Olyn, who asks his father one day why there isn’t enough food to eat. His father explains that the dragon stole all of the village’s gold and jewels so they didn’t have enough money to buy the things that they needed. Olyn decides to take a journey up the mountain to ask the dragon why he did such a thing. Although he is weak, tired, and frightened, Olyn is determined to learn the dragon’s reason for doing what he did. What he discovers on this magical journey instead is something far greater than he imagined, a new friend.
Courtnee Turner Hoyle

The illustrations truly stand out in James C. Lyon's book. The images are reminiscent of classics like The Black Cauldron, and they set the scene for a fantastic adventure! I read the story to three of my children, and they all enjoyed it. They commented on the appearance, but they also mentioned the lesson in the narrative. Lyon conveys the message that riches will not make someone as happy as true connections. Educators and caregivers could use the book to open a discussion about the value of friendships instead of attachment to material possessions and the good feeling that comes from sharing. Young readers who enjoy fantasy and adventure with brave characters will like The Lonely Dragon, and caregivers can purchase the book with the confidence that young readers will learn a valuable lesson from it.

Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • 978-1665751339
  • 40 pages
  • $12.99
Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • B0CP3HWYF3
  • 40 pages
  • $3.99
