Plot: In this moving and vividly created historical novel, a young woman is betrayed and brutalized by a trusted pastor, then ostracized by her community. Diorio establishes a clear sense of time and place, while presenting a satisfying narrative arc.
Prose: Diorio writes with strong emotional resonance, convincingly capturing her protagonist's suffering. Sharp detail brings the novel's 19th-century Italian village setting to life.
Originality: The profound mistreatment of the protagonist at the hands of a cleric, is an unfortunately familiar concept. However, the distinctive historical setting provides an intriguing dimension to the story.
Character Development: Diorio's heroine shows meaningful growth from a timid and broken girl into a strong woman. The novel's antagonist, too, shows complexity and evolution, though he does not achieve redemption.
Date Submitted: August 07, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars Fabulous Historical Fiction!
By DianFlow on April 17, 2018
Format: Paperback
Intense. Gripping. Emotive. Heartrending. And hauntingly beautiful describes 'The Madonna of Pisano' in a nutshell. Not my usual read, I found myself totally intrigued by the beautiful Italian setting and characters in the village of Pisano, Sicily. Inspired by a true story, this novel is a new twist on 'The Scarlet Letter'—guaranteed to break the reader's heart and put it back together again with the glue of forgiveness.
Never have I encountered a more courageous heroine than Maria Lando, a beautiful young Italian woman, whose life was changed in an instant by a horrifying encounter. Mature and wise beyond her years, Maria doesn't have a victim's mentality nor does she let what happened to her define her. She's a fighter, loyal to her family, and a wonderful mother, always putting others before herself.
Luca Tonetta is your perfect hero...a kind, strong, and godly man, but not infallible and he makes a few errors in his judgement of Maria that made me want to throttle him. Other than that I adored him! lol When I found out that this book is a continuing series with the same characters (although there is a satisfying HEA conclusion), I did something I NEVER do. I immediately went to Amazon and purchased the next two books in the series. I wasn't quite ready to let go of Maria, Luca, and all the other characters who played such a dramatic role in this faith-filled story of hope.