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The Mammoth in the Room

What's the mammoth in the room, no one talks about? The undeniable evolutionary truths behind our human behavior which impact each of the millions of business decisions taken globally day by day.


During decades in high-performance, multi-national executive leadership roles, Nicolas Pokorny discovered something transformative: To lead humans successfully, he needed to understand the evolutionary forces shaping their individual behaviors, decisions, and group dynamics. Resistance to change, fear, dominance biases—these and many other ancient evolutionary forces certainly weren’t keeping pace with the times. In his revolutionary new book, The Mammoth in the Room, Pokorny shares a wealth of practical insights, strategies, and stories about how to align humans around common goals and lead them effectively through ever-changing markets and times.


The Mammoth in the Room is a masterclass in leadership. It cuts through the fluff and provides a practical roadmap for both emerging and senior leaders—all with a unique focus on the evolutionary foundations of human behavior. The mammoth has been named—now learn how to tame it.

