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Greg Buck
The Milkman: Book III
Greg Buck, author
Are your deeds of the past ever truly forgiven or are they just blindly ignored? The last few years have been blissful for Jesse Hardner. Still employed by Romans' Dairy, he has taken on more responsibility, deciding his place in life may not include a scholastic degree. Working outside in the semi rural area of the foothills near Golden, Colorado seemed to fit his current penchant better. His thriving relationship with Raven has prospered and Jericho has helped fill an empty hole in his heart, assisting him in pursuing his love for fishing. A lost soul running from life with no stopping in site is brought into their lives. Trying to escape from himself, this lost soul ends up landing in a personal utopia. All indicators pointed towards a found soul that had accepted the love and friendship that was being cultivated around him. This time Jesse is not thrust into the troubles of neighbors or customers calling upon him, it builds and accumulates in his own backyard.
