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Greg Buck
The Milkman: Book V
Greg Buck, author
Has anyone ever sworn revenge upon you or your family? Jesse Hardner’s family continued to grow and flourish. Raven bore them another son, creating a veritable happiness among the family of four. However, the increased working hours, along with the addition of Christopher, had created less available free time for his pursuit of fly fishing. A very small price to pay, in his mind. Being a beautiful woman, Francis Belmont was the talk of the high school she attended as well as the close-knit community where she was raised. A kind modesty attached to her beauty and soul that made her approachable, attracted both the good and the evil. Finding the love of her life before she was cast into the shadows of a jealous maniac was a lifesaving proposition nearly four decades prior, but the evil has returned. Axel may or may not have been a demon at birth, or maybe he was molded into one by seemingly demented parents. Having found beauty along with some normalcy, he did not want to let go. Thirty-five years of a madman’s brooding was about to be unleashed.
