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Greg Buck
The Milkman: Book VI
Greg Buck, author
What would you do if somebody stole the thing you love most on this earth? Jesse and Raven had reached a delightful and celebratory time in their lives. Good friends, healthy children, strong incomes and happily married. Despite losing a beloved canine, they felt they were at the top of the pinnacle. Bodie and Christopher are developing into first-rate children and doing well scholastically. Horror strikes in the most unexpected manner from the most unexpected source, sending the Hardner family reeling in despair. A tortured soul with no regard for life has taken one of their members, trying to right a wrong cast upon him years before. Self-righteous indignation caused him to disregard the truth in his quest. A decision needed to be made, one that could put the whole family at risk. The wrong decision would mean Bodie and Christopher would be orphaned and raised by relatives, forever questioning that decision. With his childhood friend by his side, facing a relentlessly deflating experience with insurmountable odds, a last-ditch effort is made to recover the love of his life.
