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The Naked President
Denis Holden, author
The Naked President The Naked President is a tongue-in-cheek political/social comedy about the remarkable and eccentric Cartmel family. It weaves together the lives of the richest man in the world, an irrational socialist activist, and an eccentric philosopher venerated by a fearsome West Coast motorcycle gang. After World War II and a personal tragedy, the handsome, heroic fighter pilot Captain Roger Cartmel deserts England and moves to the USA. He travels through Wyoming, Maryland, Texas, and California, siring children along the way. He is a flying ace, turned Anglian Vicar, turned bigamist, and a classic English cad who fathers three extraordinary offspring. He is also an unwitting character in creating a future US President. You will meet Larry and Winona, a newlywed young couple brought together by fate and a dog. Yes! If you are a dog lover, there is a remarkable dog in this story. The story also has an Artificial Intelligence that develops a crush on Larry plus a completely deranged United States Senator. I know that’s a stretch of one’s imagination, but if you are tired of nasty flesh-eating Zombie stories, The Naked President is for you!
