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The Nemesis Vector
bo demont, author
Sci-Fi romance of an American Astronaut and his pregnant wife. Aliens attack the International Space Station starts the story off. Only two Astronauts survive and battle their way back to earth using their wits. Many hair raising moments leave your hands cold and your heart pounding. Heartbreaking moments between husband and wife during uncertain times as his missions are all but suicidal.

Kindle Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Non stop excitement, with well reasoned plot

Reviewed in the United States on August 19, 2018

Verified Purchase

The characters are so real, I, the reader feels their emotions. The ending is fascinating, no hints...
This book is easily read in a single seating, indeed it is almost impossible not too.
I can't imagine what is in book 2, but eager to buy.

