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Paperback Details
  • 01/2021
  • 979-8597665306 B08THPW5WB
  • 453 pages
  • $12.00
Seth Wildschut
The Noble Villains (The Forge Born Trilogy Book 1)
Ex-soldier Darragh Moonford operates in society as an outlaw after being cast out by a kingdom that no longer needs him. As technology advanced, magic-enhanced soldiers became obsolete leading to many becoming criminals. Using his forge-enhanced abilities he takes jobs outside the law to provide security and income for himself and his partner Orion. Soon they stumble onto a plot that could destroy every kingdom and the world itself.

This entertaining novel takes sci-fi and fantasy elements and merges them in a way where it feels like both genres, and neither; it's both familiar and fresh at the same time. Imagine, for example, that the members of the Fellowship of the ring were Blade Runner characters caught up in a space western like Firefly (without going to space), and you're getting a sense of what this book is like. The story also drums up concerns of modern relevance regarding trauma, the abuse of power, and the relativity of ethics in an increasingly troubled world. This is an entertaining story full of likable characters. Excited for the next book in the series.

Paperback Details
  • 01/2021
  • 979-8597665306 B08THPW5WB
  • 453 pages
  • $12.00
