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Camille Virginia
The Offline Dating Method: 3 Steps to Attract Your Perfect Partner in the Real World

Why settle for being swiped-over, when you can attract your perfect partner in the real world?

Dating apps were supposed to be a fun new way to meet your future partner - but for many singles, they've morphed into a digital dystopia of lies, harassment, and few (if any) quality connections.  

Stop competing against thousands online and start enjoying endless untapped opportunities to attract your match in the real world - from the airport to a coffee shop to your grocery store cereal aisle.  

Author Camille Virginia draws upon her transformation from a shy girl with social anxiety into a socially confident woman who discovered the secret to creating an instantly meaningful connection with anyone.  

In The Offline Dating Method, she guides you through her proven 3-step process to attract a great partner wherever you go by tapping into every human's inherent (and frequently unmet) need for fulfilling face-to-face interactions.  

  • Discover 100’s of specific + actionable tips (no vague "just be yourself" advice)
  • Follow a simple step-by-step system (no guesswork of what to do next)
  • Create meaningful connections with everyone (friends, family, coworkers, more
Allie (client)

"This book is so full of wisdom! It's practical, insightful, and just awesome. I especially loved the Dress for Confidence section – wow… Camille really drove it home on the importance of dressing nicely! I think I’ll finally go buy a new pair of shorts now, because none of the shorts I currently have make me look great and consequently don’t’ make me feel great either. Thanks for the push!" 

Diana (advanced reader)

"Even as a married woman, I absolutely loved this book. The section about releasing judgment in Chapter 3 was an awakening for me and made me realize "Oh my God, there's another way to think!" and then broke down exactly how to do it. This book is what I needed to read right now. It completely changed my perspective on social interaction and conversations…(and I thought that I was already pretty savvy in that department.)." 

Edwina (client)

"Camille Virginia's book title promises a dating primer for those who have had less than satisfactory experience in the digital world - and does she ever deliver! This thoughtful, beautifully written work is grounded in real-life experiences of the author and others. Readers may very well have "yes, that's me" moments among the many awkward and/or unsuccessful dating situations in the book, but Camille follows through with insightful ideas and suggestions. Her empathy for her audience runs throughout the work. There's more. Not only does the book address dating/romance interests, but concurrently she steers the reader into ways by which they gain new friends. This is a subtle bonus to what is already a terrific work which raises a very high bar in the relationship guide world."

Jeff (advanced reader)

"This book is right on the mark for smart, single women who are not interested in frivolous relationships - who want a partner and want to expand their social circle. The book is well researched and organized, with a pile of thought put into it. Most importantly it provides answers to how to become more confident and self-aware." 

John (advanced reader)

"This book is going to be helpful to so many people. My favorite part was how many small, easy to remember tips were applicable for anyone to use in a way to become more connected with the world around them. I myself am an outgoing guy, but found myself using some of the techniques to expand my brief interactions with strangers: guy on an elevator, woman in line for lunch, etc." 

Julie (advanced reader)

"This book is a real gift to readers and is going to help so many people create more meaningful connections in their lives. I really love the playfulness Camille talks about throughout the book, and how it's also shown across the narrative; I think that's such an important aspect of interacting with people - not taking it too seriously and having fun with it." 

Margaret (advanced reader)

"An incredibly insightful book. I especially loved the Empathic Listening Technique, and listening in pictures. That was totally new to me, but it makes everything so much more vivid! I also love the meaningful example scripts, like showing how to ask "What's a personal highlight for you from the past 6 months?" so I can get into an interesting conversation right off the bat." 

Mary (client)

"I love this book! Simply put, Camille’s techniques work and I only chose the ones that felt right for me. I hadn’t had a date in many years. I thought I was un-datable as no one ever asked me out. In reality, I got nervous around men that I liked and stayed in the small talk zone, boring myself and probably them. I started thinking of men as potential friends and practiced being my authentic, weird self. It worked. I met a man doing something I love, while being my authentic self. We have been together 2 years and are planning our future. I don’t think it would have happened without Camille."

Mathilda (client)

"This book is amazing, one of the best how-to books I've ever read - and I've read hundreds. Camille's many suggestions for connecting with others can be used by anyone looking for new friends or relationships. Readers of any age will feel they are sitting down with Camille over lattes and learning about their own situations, with plenty of support and fun in the process. This is a valuable book to keep as a resource, to refer to often for ideas and reassurance that one is not alone in the search." 

Melody (advanced reader)

"The Offline Dating Method is a brilliant testament to the power of starting a relationship off in person vs. online. Being able to draw upon all your senses in order to really 'know' someone is critical, especially in a day and age when we communicate less than ever. This book is powerful, engaging, and even as a happily married woman, I could not put this down. The lessons I learned can be applied to any interaction with any human. I also loved the reminder to always be curious. People are complex and fascinating, and if you keep your mind open and ask questions and sincerely show interest in others, you will be rewarded with some of the loveliest gifts through connection that you could imagine."

Sarah (client)

"This book is a conversation and dating game-changer. I love how this information can be applied in every culture, as some who has used the norms of my culture/religion to hinder human connection in the love department. I also love the tactical advice on how to be present, how to be selective with the company you keep, how to be vulnerable, and most of all how to be kind to yourself."

Sheila (client)

"Excellent! 4 thumbs up! The book was such a fun, entertaining and informative read. I was concerned that as an older (49-year-old) woman of color I wouldn’t be able to relate - but all doubts gone! It was a great read with so much practical information and tips. What I loved most is it’s much more than just attracting a great guy. It's about becoming your best and most authentic self to attract the best and most authentic people into your life. That message resonates with every age, race, gender or social status. I like the science shared behind our humanness and the inspirational / insightful quotes were very diverse. Brava Camille!"

Shelly (client)

"My favorite part was the practical exercises that helped me put the tips into action. I especially love the advice on how to be present and look for the good in everyone we encounter. The Catch-Up Cycle of Doom was perfect, I will no longer be trapped by it! I also love the practicality of the Empathic Listening Technique. These are all things I can employ right away. As a pleasant surprise, I learned more about how to connect with, relate to and develop meaningful interactions with anyone, not just men. Brilliant! I also love the insight on bad behaviors we can unconsciously develop. The section on judgement was especially insightful and I plan to practice curiosity, compliments and compassion to break that cycle. It's a lot of information, but organized very well and easy to navigate. I would recommend this to my girlfriends for dating and personal growth and development. I can’t wait to read the sequels!" 

Sonya (client)

"The Offline Dating Method is cleverly disguised as a dating book…but it's actually a witty manifesto on how to master the art of meaningful connection while living in a tech-obsessed culture. Readers will not only get the power to date in the real world, they’ll also live a more fulfilling life."

Stephanie (client)

"5/5 stars! Camille's book is LIFE-CHANGING. It transforms your ability to connect with other human beings. Camille shows that kindness still is the currency with which we can use to live a more fulfilling life--of which the most important part is meaningful human connection. And she tells you EXACTLY how to do it--without compromising your self-worth or your values--including how to address every pitfall/problem/pain point that might pop-up along the way."

Varvara (advanced reader)

"Two words: inspiring and wise. Even those who consider social skills one of their superpowers will get a ton of value from this book. The advice doesn't just improve social / dating skills, it increases overall quality of life. Things like volunteering, practicing being present, looking your best every day, and being kind to people. The selection of tips is brilliant, and I'm confident everyone will learn at least one new thing from this book - and that one thing can be a dating game-changer. The book is clear, structured, easy to read, and entertaining. I almost physically felt how Camille had to release the safety net to be sincere at some points and most importantly, her replenishing vibe (which I believe is one of her biggest gifts) can be felt throughout the book."

Zelda (advanced reader)

"Even though I’m 67, and now happily married, this book was perfect for me. I found so many insights on how to increase the quality of my relationships with everyone - including my husband! Camille is very authentic and has a clever, enjoyable sense of humor. She spells the tips out clearly, gives specific examples, and made the book very reader-friendly and interactive. The quotes alone show how much research was put into the book. It was a joy to read, twice!"

Zenna (client)

"Camille's 'offline dating' perspective is so unique. She starts with the tiniest step to get you comfortable with strangers by treating everyone as if you're already friends with them. Then the Empathic Listening Technique where a real connection is the foundation of getting asked out. The exercises help you reflect on the barriers that might be holding you back, which is powerful. I did get ask-outs using Camille's method. But more importantly, her method helps me have fewer doubts, anxiety, and fears when I show up at parties/events/new gyms by myself.

