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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2021
  • 9781098369811 B09CRPH41P
  • 398 pages
  • $19.99
Ebook Details
  • 08/2021
  • B09CRPH41P
  • 398 pages
  • $3.99
Pavane Ravel
The Other Shoes of Larry Martin, 1: Book One: Revelation of Lies
Pavane Ravel, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

"The Other Shoes of Larry Martin" is a story of transformation; a story of emotional, physical, and metaphysical growth achieved by a remarkable young journalist, Larry Martin. Larry Martin is a young man - the only child of an abusive father - who was unwittingly indoctrinated into the belief system of the Alt-Right. Larry begins his journalism career writing for a right-wing website. After disaster strikes and he becomes homeless and unemployed, he finds the way forward to a prosperous, ethical, and enlightened future by profoundly changing all that he was.

During Larry's turbulent fight for survival, he arrives at the conclusion that he must undergo a drastic transformation in order to find peace and personal success. He resolves to make significant changes and become a completely different person.

Larry's story consists of hard times, revelation, growth, and transformation. There is sadness and joy. Discipline and discovery. Trauma and recovery.

Reader's Favorite Awarded Editorial Book Review

Larry Martin is not a good person. He is lazy. He treats women badly. He thinks the world owes him everything that he wants but hasn’t earned. Unfortunately, Larry was also raised by an abusive father with right-wing beliefs which he adopted as his own. What more can one expect from a person raised without love? Then Larry loses his job as a journalist and eventually loses his home as well. Homeless, forced to live day by day, begging and often stealing, Larry decides to shed his old self and change.

He decides to become a better person. In The Other Shoes of Larry Martin, Book One: Revelation of Lies, Pavane Ravel brings us a story of transformation, internal growth, and connections with people on personal levels, showing us that change is possible when we start with ourselves.

Pavane Ravel has a writing style that is easy to fall into. It is comfortable and has a good flow. There is definite good character building. I intensely disliked the main character at the beginning of the book. As this book is based on profound character growth, the author did a remarkable job of slowly easing the reader along on the journey. I found the attention to detail with the construction of the various homesteads quite interesting.

The Other Shoes of Larry Martin is ideal for readers who enjoy extraordinary character changes, fighting for survival, and climbing to the top to make a change for the better. This book can also be recommended to those readers who want to know themselves on a deeper level. I loved how the story itself became the story of the book. Highly suggest everyone read Revelation of Lies, Book One.

Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2021
  • 9781098369811 B09CRPH41P
  • 398 pages
  • $19.99
Ebook Details
  • 08/2021
  • B09CRPH41P
  • 398 pages
  • $3.99
