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The Others
Evette Davis, author
Olivia Shepherd is a political consultant with a secret: She possesses empathic abilities, the power to sense the emotions of those around her. Keen to keep her supernatural gifts hidden, Olivia's world is upended when Elsa, an ancient time-walker, appears in her kitchen, unveiling a destiny she never knew she had. As Olivia delves deeper into the hidden world of the "Others" who lurk beneath San Francisco's foggy streets, she finds herself drawn into the clandestine organization, the Council, and Gabriel Laurent, the enigmatic leader of a realm where vampires, witches, fairies and demons navigate a delicate balance of power. Caught between her burgeoning abilities, her new role within the Council, and her blossoming romance with the centuries-old vampire William, Olivia must confront shocking revelations about her own past and embrace the true extent of her powers.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 7.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The Others is a clever, meaty paranormal fantasy that imagines a San Francisco populated by otherworldly beings. Pacing is quick and steady, while the worldbuilding is sound and consistent. 

Prose: Davis is a skilled writer who establishes the paranormal circumstances with ease and moves the story forward with a winning blend of dialogue, description, and action.

Originality: The Others navigates numerous paranormal tropes and doesn't carve out a new niche. But the work offers some fresh lore, an intriguing exploration of the political machinations of a hidden realm, and a vividly realized San Francisco setting.

Character/Execution: The author does a stellar job with characterization from the major players such as Olivia and William to the lesser characters woven throughout the story. Each is distinct, consistent, and memorable.

Date Submitted: May 06, 2024

