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The Path To Patagonia
With nothing left to lose, two men gather their few belongings and hit the road. At the Mexican Border they question their choice to go AWOL: an impulsive act of defiance where Henry and Jasper took their destinies into their own hands. In constant fear that they’ll be caught, they make it across the border and travel south to create new lives. In a time where their only crime is love, they run from Don’t Ask Don’t Tell dishonorable discharges.On the journey south they face life-threatening obstacles and must make friendships in the most unlikely of places. Driving motorcycles across countries, sailing over seas, and trekking across deep wilderness, The Path To Patagonia is book one of ITINERANT: a tale of hope against hope, where the search for home is a universal journey that all people must walk. Lance's sophomore novel debuted at #1 on Amazon's LGBT Action and Adventure list and is a Finalist for the International Book Award in LGBT Fiction. ​ "Garland’s writing is powerful in his depiction of the human condition in relation to the natural world... There is a sense of spiritual awakening inspired by the powerful scenes of natural beauty, and the stark and harsh realities the two men have been thrust into... Garland realizes a deep philosophy regarding the concept of home, country... a philosophy that gives the story purpose and significance." -The Seattle Book Review While Lance fights fire in Seattle, climbs the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, and sails the Salish Sea, he writes. Recent work has appeared in Outside, Mountaineer, Wanderlust, and The Stranger, which listed his essay Assaulted and Silenced on The Best American Journalism of 2018. The Path To Patagonia is his second novel, and the first in his new adventure series, ITINERANT.
