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Terri Selting David
Author, Illustrator
The Phoenix Plan
It’s all fun and games until the government collapses. Twins Sarah and Simon just turned 17, but they aren’t as mature as they think they are. Living your life training to be spies on DAAAD’s secret island headquarters has given them mad skills, but they don’t have a clue what real consequences are. The good news? They finally have their first mission. The bad news? It seems totally boring. But when you’re a spy, nothing is ever truly what it seems. At first, the amateur Agents think the hardest part of being on their own is learning to shop in a real grocery store and find the perfect street taco. While it might not be taking down rogue operatives, at least it’s easy and fun. But it doesn’t take long to realize there’s a lot more going on with their mission than anyone suspects. The twins have to wise up fast and realize their mission, and the world outside their Island, is a lot more complicated than they thought. Now they have a decision to make: report in and get sidelined by more experienced agents, or go up alone against a man who topples governments and starts wars. If they succeed, they’ll be heroes. If they fail, people, including themselves, will die horribly and governments will collapse. And worst of all, they may never get that street taco. Step into a world where choices have consequences, wit is a weapon, and the fate of hundreds, maybe thousands of people depends on two untested teens.
