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Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • ‎ B0CNHJD4RJ
  • 293 pages
  • $8.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • ‎ 979-8393872144 ‎ B0CNHJD4RJ
  • 241 pages
  • $13.59
Kathryn Adams
The Pianist's Only Daughter

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

The Pianist’s Only Daughter: A Memoir presents a frank and loving exploration of aging in one family. Social worker and gerontologist Kathryn Betts Adams spent decades negotiating evolving family dynamics with her colorful and talented parents: her English scholar and poet mother and her pianist father. Their vivid emotional lives, marital instability, and eventual divorce provided the backdrop for her 1960s and ‘70s Midwestern youth. Nearly thirty years after they divorce, Adams' father finds himself single and flies in to woo his ex-wife, now retired and diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Their daughter doesn’t expect her mother to be swept away in a romantic haze, but has underestimated the power of nostalgia and her father’s charms. “We’ll take care of each other!” her father confidently declares. But their only daughter worries. Armed with her professional social work expertise, Adams steps in to become her parents' eldercare manager as her mother's Parkinson's disease worsens. Sometimes at odds with her controlling father and often overwhelmed by the responsibility she faces, she finds shocking limitations to services for older adults in 21st century America. Readers will laugh and cry along with the author as she describes both her successes and failures with tough eldercare decisions and situations -- including several moves with her father’s 7-foot Steinway grand piano in tow.
A Look Inside Book Review Blog and Podcast

"In 'The Pianist's Only Daughter,' Kathryn Betts Adams invites readers into a deeply personal journey that transcends the boundaries of a traditional memoir. Through eloquent prose and heartfelt storytelling, Adams delves into the complexities of family dynamics, love, and the challenges of caregiving...

Adams' ability to blend her professional expertise as a social worker and gerontologist with her personal experiences adds depth and authenticity to the narrative. As she navigates the challenges of becoming her parents' eldercare manager while confronting the limitations of support services, readers are not only drawn into her story but also gain valuable insights into the realities of aging and caregiving in contemporary society.

Moreover, Adams' portrayal of her parents as vibrant, flawed individuals adds richness to the narrative. From her mother's battle with Parkinson's disease to her father's charming yet controlling nature, the characters come to life on the page, evoking a range of emotions from empathy to frustration to admiration.

Ultimately, 'The Pianist's Only Daughter' stands out among other memoirs for its compelling storytelling, nuanced exploration of universal themes, and the author's unwavering honesty and vulnerability. It's a book that leaves a lasting impression, reminding us of the power of love, resilience, and the bonds that hold families together, even in the face of adversity."


Kirkus Reviews

"An enthralling account that traces the highs and lows of a family dealing with aging. This debut memoir centers on a woman's spirited life with artistic parents whom she helped care for in their later years...Adams' sharp prose unflinching portrait of aging and a not-always-flattering picture of medical care in the United States..." 

Reader's Favorite

"There were other moments where I laughed, cried, raged, and laughed again. Adams writes with a refreshing candor that strikes a reader as wholly authentic, and with a clear voice and a rollercoaster of a story to tell, she's someone I would be happy to listen to a whole lot more going forward. Very highly recommended."
~ Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • ‎ B0CNHJD4RJ
  • 293 pages
  • $8.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • ‎ 979-8393872144 ‎ B0CNHJD4RJ
  • 241 pages
  • $13.59
