Plot: When Pacific Air Flight 385 is hijacked, it is up to the people on board to come together--including Cora, a widowed mother of two, and Kyle, a Seattle homicide detective. While the motives for the hijacking are initially unclear as the authorities scramble to find answers, it's ultimately up to Cora, and her (limited) experience as a pilot, to try and land the plane and save them all.
Prose/Style: There is nothing fancy about Cole's prose--and that is a great thing, as it keeps the story moving quickly. This is a fast, action-packed read with not a lot of frills and prose that keeps the reader engaged.
Originality: A hijacked plane is a familiar plot device, but what the plot lacks in originality it makes up for by being a solid story that is fast-paced and easy to read.
Character Development/Execution: Cole develops the characters just enough to connect readers to their plight and add depth to the story. The attraction between Cora and Kyle is an expected development, but does not detract from the story--instead, it helps to amp up the suspense and stakes.
Date Submitted: May 31, 2021